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Our Team.

This is your Team section. Our international team has multiple talents and enjoy team working and growing together. Value-driven and eccentric they excel with new challenges and seek long-lasting alliances to build an economy for green and circular business. 

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CEO Isabella Mavellia,  

Founder and Creator


Holds a Msc in Comparative International Relations (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the Venice International University) and an B.Sc. in International Business Administration and Management (Touro College Berlin) and and in the UN’s 2020 Sustainable Development Goals and specifically in the development of sustainable tourism with special interest in the implementation of targets in the City of Venice; European project management and international and cross-cultural relations such as intercultural communication. Involved in the fields of Youth, EU and International Affairs, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Female Engagement (EU Women's March, Rome Model European Union with BETA). This years’ activities: European Youth Event, the Sustainable Finance Forum in Luxembourg and the internship at IDEC in Greece to specialize in EU project management and finance specifically in the development of KA1 and KA2 projects of the Erasmus plus programme such as the i-Lab for schools, DEMAL e-leaning course on adult education and training activities.  



At What Time Does Venice Close? FROM THE GRAND TOUR TO VENICELAND: A PLEA FOR SUSTAINABLE ACTION How to become a highly sustainable tourist in Venice and Policy-recommendation strategies” (2018).


The Guide: How to be a highly sustainable tourist in Rome (2019)


Projects & Conferences: 


June 6, 2018: Organizing Team in the Council of Europe's Cultural Routes and Council of Europe Venice Organizing the first EUSAIR Meeting in San Servolo Island on the future of tourism in the Adriatic & Ionian Sea ( 

January- ongoing: Patto Venezia Consapevole Gruppo tecnico del Calendario Collettivo delle Associazioni di Venezia (2019) creation of a common calendar of Venetian Associations to increase participation in local life

May 2019: Rome Model European Union Organizing Team for the First Conference, Spazio Europa Roma, on Sustainability 

May 2019: Conference Interreg Venezia, on fishing and sustainable litter management at Sea

May 2019: Regione del Veneto 

Kaffee und Zeitschriften

our team

Klara Klaric


A sustainability enthusiast passionate about taking transnational action to solve climate and inequality related problems, thereby creating communities and fostering innovative solutions across borders.


I hold a BA in International relations and History from CCCU and an MA in Transnational studies from UCL, through which I explored aspects of EU mechanisms in relation to public policy, culture, and local activism. I have also completed the Virginia Commonwealth University's International Business Consulting Program (IBC) with merit, thanks to the results of my team's consulting provided to UNICEF Czech republic. 




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